Accessibility Tools

Using Audio and Video

The importance of heritage sites increases as we get older, as a place to relax, recover and engage with the environment around us. In comparison to other visitor attractions, PwD also view heritage sites as ‘safe’ and familiar spaces. Research highlights PwD enjoy visiting heritage sites and this also includes taking photos and filming at heritage sites. In addition We know the power recorded sound has to transport listeners to specific time and place. The popularity of YouTube has made it easy to locate a vast amount of historic audio-visual content, but not everything is on YouTube or easily accessible through Googling. The Internet Archive is a vast collection of text, audio and visual material and software, which can make searches overwhelming. 

Why is it useful? 

For PwD and their carers, historic spaces, collections and stories can prompt and stimulate discussion and connection, encourage outdoor exploration, and offer a vital connection to the world around them, with day trips recognised as one of the most likely and regular activities for people living with the condition and their carers.

In comparison to other visitor attractions, PwD also view heritage sites as ‘safe’ and familiar spaces. Heritage (including visiting sites and participating in outdoors projects) has also been found to be one of the top activities of choice for those impacted by dementia, in surveys and focus groups carried out by Alzheimer’s Society.





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