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Using the Built Environment, Building, Statues and Places, with PwD

PwD have a special relationship with their built environment. Even if their perception of time and space has changed, they live in a world where relationships, objects and situations matter. PwD may not be able to speak about the meaning environments have, but a sense of meaning and importance remains in their lives.

Enabling those living with dementia to continue to enjoy and take part in arts appreciation and activity offers back a quality of life, as well as providing a social experience where carers and PwD are welcomed as equal participants together.

Why is it useful? 

Dementia is lifechanging. Loss of memory leads to struggles with communication and language and changes in behaviour and can have a negative impact on a person’s core sense of self. This disease changes relationships with people, places, and things, and, potentially, can lead PwD and their carers to become isolated. Often, PwD stop participating in activities they previously enjoyed. These can include exploring, discovering, and connecting with heritage, which is an experience that plays an important part in how people view the places they live, how they feel and their quality of life.

Dementia-friendly heritage is not just about ‘being nice’, it is good business practice: ethically, financially and legally. It is about being accessible, inclusive and relevant to our existing and potential audiences.





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